Monnis Sponsors Nissan Premier League All Star Game

Monnis Sponsors Nissan Premier League All Star Game

All Star game of the Nissan Premier Basketball League took place at the Central Sports Palace on April 16th, 2011.Top players have showed astonishing performances which increased rating of the All Star game more than previous years’.

2 teams named Nissan and Infiniti with white and red jerseys competed strongly during 4 sections. Infiniti team won the betting money amounting MNT700, 000 when they defeated Nissan team with a score of 107-97 in the event. Nissan team was awarded MNT300, 000.

T.Sanchir from Infiniti became the best player and he received MNT500,000.
Clarence Jeffrey from Nissan team took first place and MNT500, 000 in the slam dunk contest at the event.

Monnis has been demonstrating its commitment as a sponsorship for all star game of the Nissan Premier League.