The itinerary for Nissan Tour 2012 unveils

The itinerary for Nissan Tour 2012 unveils

Nissan Tour is an off-road auto tour with the aim to explore adventure, to test power and strength of Nissan vehicle in off-road and to discover Mongolian beautiful nature.
This year, Nissan Tour 2012 plans to head Gobi desert and to reach most south point of Mongolia - Orvog Gashuuny Tolgoi.Gobi is known as a desert but it offers a startlingly diverse landscape, from grassy pastures to dinosaur fossil beds, lunar landscapes, red sandstone formations and white sand dunes and provides grazing for herds of camels, sheep and goats as well as some rare animals as snow leopard, ibex, wild sheep and goats, and antelopes.
Two years ago Nissan Tour reached to most north point of Mongolia while this year Nissan Tour will mark most south point of Mongolia with powerful Nissan vehicles.
Eventhough Nissan Tour had experienced various landscape with mud and swamps, rivers and forest, rocks, and mountains during the previous years, Gobi zone will be the new challenging experience for us.
Please look the itinerary of the Nissan Tour 2012.

Day 1:  Ulaanbaatar – Choir town – Ikh gazryn Chuluu /Dundgobi province/
  • Estimated road length: 370 km
  • Driving hours: 7

Marked destination:

Ikh gazryn chuluu
Ikh gazryn chuluu, the largest granite zone in the country, is situated in Dundgobi Aimag. This incredible zone of sharp pointed summits and canyons was taken under state protection in 2003 to preserve geographically distinctive area. The granite zone consists of 2 separate parts of each 20 km extended to north and south. A peak of the range, Mount Yerlog reaches 1706 m. Granite canyons of the region consist of pinkish fibrous crystals and have many horizontal and vertical fractures. There are over 40 caves, many rocks of strange shape and a monument.

Day 2:  Ikh Gazryn Chuluu – Mandalgobi – Tsagaan suvarga /Umnugobi / 
  • Estimated road length: 240 km
  • Driving hours: 6

Marked destination:

Tsagaan suvarga
The scarp of tsagaan suvarga is interesting to see to sheer slope, facing east, which from a distance seems to be the ruins of the ancient city. The cliff is 30 meters high and 400 meters wide. Day 3: - Tsogt-Ovoo - Dalanzadgad – Yolyn am/Gobi Gurvan Saihan Mountain/ - Estimated road length: 210km - Driving hours: 5 - 2 vehicles will go separately to most south point of Mongolia called Orvog Gashuuny Tolgoi. There will have event to place flag of the Nissan. After that two vehicles will come to the main team and continue the journey. Marked destination: Yolyn am valley Yolyn am (Lammergeyer’s pass). Yolyn am is the mountain pass of the Gobi Gurvan Saihan Mountain and is called so because there are many lammergeyers. Small River flows through the canyon which freezes in winter time. Originally, the area used to be a frozen-like throughout a whole year, but due to the global warming most of the frozen area have been melting recent years.

Day 4:  Dungeneegyn am-Khongor sand dunes
  • Estimated road length: 190km
  • Driving hours: 5

Marked destination:

Dungeneegyn Am:
Dungeneegyn Am is located in southwestern part of Zuunsaikhan and Bayandalai soum. The area's length is 12 kilometers. There are cliff, canyon, caves and rivers. There are mountain sheep and mountain goat in Dungeneegyn Am.

Khongor Sand Dunes:
Khongor sand dunes is some of the largest and most spectacular sand dunes in Mongolia. Natives call the sand dunes “Duut manhan” because it has a sound like flying plane when the wind is strong. Khongor sand dunes is 195m high, up to 20km wide and about 130km long. This huge sand dune, which reaches 80m at maximum, is said to come with the winds for many years. Interestingly it has the Hongor River and green grass nearby.

Day 5: Sevrei village-Gurvan Tes village-Naran daats-Hermen tsav
  • Estimated road length: 250km
  • Driving hours: 6

Marked destination:

Hermen Tsav

Hermen Tsav is a canyon with beautiful oasis, 10 km in width and 1000 m in length located in Gurvantes soum. The first steppes on this land give an impression that you have entered to the age of ancient world. American scholar Roy Chapman Andrews named this place as "The End of the World." Hermen Tsav is known not only by its beauty of natural formation but also by its trove of dinosaur fossils. The first full skeleton of a dinosaur was found in this place. Naran Daats oasis - a beautiful paradise where saxaul trees, tooroi, and khailaas grow.

Day 7: Zuun Mod - Nemegt valley
  • Estimated road length: 90km
  • Driving hours: 3

Marked destination:

Nemegt Valley One of the places with dinosaur findings, the Nemegt mountain is located 400km on the west from Dalanzadgad town. Its red mud cliffs are as beautiful as those in Bayanzag.

Day 8: Nemegt valley - Khongor sand dunes
  • Estimated road length: 160km
  • Driving hours: 4

Marked destination:

Khongor Sand Dunes
Khongor sand dunes is some of the largest and most spectacular sand dunes in Mongolia. Natives call the sand dunes “Duut manhan” because it has a sound like flying plane when the wind is strong. Khongor sand dunes is 195m high, up to 20km wide and about 130km long. This huge sand dune, which reaches 80m at maximum, is said to come with the winds for many years. Interestingly it has the Hongor River and green grass nearby.

Day 9: Bulgan village-Bayanzag
  • Estimated road length: 160km
  • Driving hours: 4

Marked destination:


This place, which has become world-known with the first dinosaur findings in Asia by the U.S. paleontologists in 1921, is called Bayanzag because it is rich in saxuals (Haloxylon ammodendron). Skeletons of protoceratops and tarbosaurus have been found here. It is said that the Government of Mongolia has changed the first found tarbosurus skeleton, which is now displayed at the U.S. natural History Museum, with two Fords at that time. Bayanzag is also a beautiful place with unusual formations. It is like someone has carried huge red mud cliffs on dry sands of the Gobi. It is interesting and yet beautiful to see red-hot mud cliffs when sunset lights shine upon them. Seeing this beauty, Americans who came first in 1921 called it “Flaming Cliffs” and therefore it has become world-known with this name.

Day 10: Bayanzag – Ongii khiid monastery ruin
  • Estimated road length: 170km
  • Driving hours: 4

Marked destination:

Ongii khiid:
The monastery was built in the late 18th century to commemorate the first ever visit of Dalai Lama to Mongolia. The monastery was once used by about 500 monks. It was the only monastery out of nine in the immediate vicinity to survive the Stalinist purges - by becoming a warehouse and shop. The monastery was reopened in 1990 and the current Dalai Lama visited in 1992. The small contingent of 20 monks visits the monastery three or four times a month.

Day 11:  Baga Gazriin Chuluu
  • Estimated road length: 280km 
  • Driving hours: 7

Marked destination:

Baga Gazariin Chuluu
The 1751-meter high granite stone mountains in the territory of Adaatsag soum, Dundgobi aimag /Middle Gobi province/, is another place with unique scenery that many tourists compare with lunar scenes. The mountain contains remains of old temples. They are not only rich in minerals and crystals, but also eyes spring, old stone temple ruins related with 17th century.

Day 12: Zolgol khairkhan mountain – Ulaanbaatar
  • Estimated road length: 240km
  • Driving hours: 6

Marked destination:

Zorgol Khairkhan Mountain:
This is a sacred mountain, found in the area of Bayan Unjuul soum of Tov province, about 150 km from Ulaanbaatar. The peak is 1686 m ASL. Zorgol Khairkhan Mountain is venerated and revered by the local people, who believe that it is the siege of a great, benevolent spirit. The huge, red granite mountain does indeed have a diverse and beautiful nature to offer. It has many caves and water springs.

Destination of the Nissan Tour 2012:

Khermen Tsav, Gurvan Tes sum, Umnugobi aimag 

Ikh and Baga Gazriin Chuluu, Dundgobi aimag

Bayanzag, Umnugobi aimag

Tsagaan Suvarga, Umnugobi aimag

Khogor sand dunes, Umnugobi aimag

Orvog Gashuun Hill, most south point of Mongolia
50 km from Mongolian border