Nissan 4х4 Мongolia Club: Let’s not take children on laps in a car

Nissan 4х4 Мongolia Club: Let’s not take children on laps in a car

It is becoming increasingly common to see adults driving around with children on their laps instead of using special seats for children in Ulaanbaatar. However, bearing in mind the slippery ice on the roads, a risk of an accident and the road terrible condition, it would be wise to avoid carrying your child on your laps and/or putting him on the front seat, next to the driver.Per physics law, a child’s weight in a car racing at approx. 40 km/h, multiplies 30 fold. For example, when a car hits a target during an accident, a child who weighs 5 kg crushes into the objects in the salon, as if he weighed 110 kg. On the other hand, it would be near to impossible for a woman to get hold of such a “heavy” child. When a car at a speed of 50км/h hits a motionless barrier, an adult who weighs 80kg is stricken by 2 tons worth force.

Below is just a fraction of the damages that a child could be damaged by car accident without car seat belt.

• abrupt, sudden slam on the brake may break a child’s neck or spine, as the bones are not strong enough to resist;
• the child can be strongly hit by the unfolding safety pillow ;
• when the car hits with his front part, the windshield may smash and the child may also crash into the front panel

Per German statistical data: a child belted to an ordinary seat suffers 5 times more injuries compared to a child who is fixed to a special seat for children. As the child’s neckbones aren’t fully developed and strong enough, the child will not be capable of withholding his head, as a result, the most common injury is breaking of the child’s neck.

Accidents may not only cause damage to the health of a child, they may have fatal consequences, too.

Threfore, we advise all parents to use special child safety seats while you drive.

Nissan 4х4 Mongolia club