Моnnis Group grasps the Оlympic Games Development Fund cup

Моnnis Group grasps the Оlympic Games Development Fund cup

The objective of utilizing the travelling cup Olympic Development Fund was in consolidating financial support from Sukhbaatar district dwellers and entities. The funds would then be disbursed for setting and providing high class training facilities to allow athletes timely and quality prepration for the forthcoming XXX Summer Olympic games and VIX Paralympic Games.Within this framework, the cup has been handed-over to the cheerfully collecting it Monnis Group employees. This will allow us to advertise this charitable event and accumulate contributions from our employees. In this regard, Моnnis Group has always been a supporter of competitions organized internationally and at home, we have contributed 50 mln MNT to the Mongolian National Olympic Committee to support the preparation works for the 2008 Summer XXIX Olympic Games. In order to encourage our XXX Olympic Games team and enrich the list of medals, we intend to pursue our everlasting support.