Nissan Tour 2012 hits South Gobi Province, the homeland of ancient dinosaurs

Nissan Tour 2012 hits South Gobi Province, the homeland of ancient dinosaurs

This year the Nissan Tour, an annual event organized by Monnis Motors LLC, took place in southern Gobi desert. In addition to challenging the power of Nissan four-wheel drive SUVs on dust roads, the purpose of the tour was to promote pristine beauty of Mongolian countryside among public. It took the Nissan Tour 2012 team 11 days of riding through the gorgeous lands and breathtaking sites, before it reached the most southern point of the country.The very same team, one who had reached the northern point of Mongolia last year, had raised Nissan Banner in the southern part of the country, on top of the hill Orvog Gashuun.

The tour had opened a brand new page in Nissan tour history, by choosing the most fascinating route passing through unique landmarks and sights, which are believed to have kept secrets of thousands of years of human history.

The tourist attractions visited by the Nissan tour team, among other, included: the Baga Gazar rocks – the many rocks preserved from time immemorial with unique paintings and carvings on them, the White Stupa – a creation with uncommon forms, Vulture rocky mountains – valleys of which are covered with ice whole year around, the so-called the Three Beauties of Gobi – extraordinarily beautiful mountains that capture one’s sight, a 3 km wide and 180 km long sand dune Khongor - the largest one known in Mongolia, Khermen Tsav and Bayanzag – the land, where to date we discover dinosaur fossils which reveal the history of 40000 years, Ongi Monastery – a 300 year old temple and the sacred mountain called Zorgolkhairkhan.

A series of documentary films about this tour is scheduled to be broadcast via TV5 channel, in October 2012. Another distinguishing feature of the Nissan Tour 2012 was participation of all models of Nissan 4x4 SUVs.

This time, the Off-road king Nissan Patrol Y62, 61 and 60 series, Nissan X-Terra and Patrol Pickup automobiles had together challenged their power, climbing up the scenery hills and bumping down the country roads.

As during previous tours, the organizer of the event, Monnis Motors LLC sponsored purchase of gasoline and the costs of maintenance services.

Similarly, in addition to broadcasting attention-grabbing TV programs, each year we furnish a special wall calendar comprising photos of Nissan Tour incredible scenes captured by expert photographers. .
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