D.Sainbayar: Monnis Group will take part in construction of apartment buildings

D.Sainbayar: Monnis Group will take part in construction of apartment buildings

Interview with D. Sainbayar, Vice President, Monnis GroupYou have managed to overcome the first passage by submitting your proposal on re-planning of existing ger districts. What was the reason for participation in projects implemented in this sector?

We decided to support the government’s policy and participate in a nationwide program, implementation of which is due to facilitate swift elimination of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city and enhancement of living conditions of its citizens. As a result, despite all risks that may arise following our decision, we have strongly committed to work on the project comprising construction of apartments for thousands of households, at 14th khoroo of Bayanzurkh District. Today, many Mongolian families live in the same conditions, as of those, in which used to live their decendents in the past century. There is no mention about the contamination of the soil, at all. As you may already know, the soil contamination and air pollution have reached the point, when it starts posing risks to national security. We have committed to contribute to this process, as we consider building housing for dwellers of ger districts as our social responsibility. In this sense, I truly wish for the citizens to be very supportive of the private sector. Development of the country is a process that requires participation of all parties involved. We should note that there are many other businesses which promise considerably larger profits, as such, I urge the citizens to support the companies that are implementing their CSR policies, and show more respect towards the national companies, if by any chance they were not at ease with the private sector before.

Please share more information on the projects you plan to implement at the selected location.

We plan to occupy as little as possible area and construct modern buildings with 15 and more stories using green technology. Simulateneously, we intend to build the schools and kindergardens, as well. The progress heavily depends on co-operation from citizen side.

To what extent have you been able to survey the location of the project?

We have done some research works, 2-3 years from now. It’s true, this is a risky business. In any case, we shall stick to our commitment as this activities are incorporated in the company’s long-term strategy.

The government was reluctant to determine the cost of the land. It was left over to the citizens and private companies to agree upon. Isn’t this a challenge? What would you say to that?  

We will try to apply market prices when estimating the cost of the land and the properties. No doubt, we may encounter people who will try to sell the land at prices, higher than the actual market price. This is not acceptable. If this trend continues, we will never be able to develop housing in the city. On the other hand, one should understand that companies should be given a chance to cover the risks and gain some profit, if any. It is important, that citizens understand. I hope they will think hard whether they will wish to live the rest of their lives in gers. The land was distributed free of charge, through privatization. I hope that citizens will avoid requesting hundreds of millions from companies that offer to provide an apartment against their lands, as it is obvious to anyone that it is a beneficial deal to both parties. This is not an issue that may affect one household, or a company, or the government, solely. One should have wisdom to understand that his/her improper judgement may influence lives of his/her neighbors and/or livelihoods of hundreds of other households.

Where do you intend to accommodate the dwellers during the construction phase?

We will do our best to try and move them into apartments. There is a possibility to provide a nice apartment and cover the rental costs of those. What I can say for sure is that the company has the potential to provide all these services.

When do you plan to hand-over the first apartment building?

We hope to commence our works this year and hand-over the first buildings by 3rd quarter of 2014. These works will require investment of huge amount of funds, tremendous deal of common sense and willpower. However, we should not get discouraged, as development will not “wait” for us.

Everyone will know what Monnis Tower is. What project are you currently involved in?

Since1998, Monnis Group is conducting activities in a variety of sectors. We have constructed the 15-storey Monnis Tower at the heart of the capital city. We are now building a red carpet apartment building in the four seasons’ park.

Citizen engagement in building housing for ger district dwellers, is crucial. What is your message to them?

In my opinion, 2013 will bring luck to all dwellers of ger districts, in particular to those who live at 14th khoroo. We did not have potential to even dream of providing housing in the 90’s. Thus, it’s vital that citizens are capable of sensing the momentum which will allow them to walk shoulder to shoulder with the time full of changes. I trust this microdistrict will become the beginning of a complete new era in the history of development. A bright future of splendid life in a modern apartment is awaiting the people of this khoroo. Together we can build this future. I seek citizens assistance and their support to my company and to all other entities that are taking active part in this development program. I am honestly proud of all the national companies engaged in this project.

Thank you very much. I wish you and your staff success.

Interviewer: P. Bolor
www.shinebair.mn /Axis Mediator Magazine