Nissan Tour photo wins N360 photo contest organized by Nissan Motor corporation

Nissan Tour photo wins N360 photo contest organized by Nissan Motor corporation

Nissan Motor has announced N360 photo contest among workers of more than 130 branches, representatives and distributors from around the world.Mr P. Bayar, Executive Director of Nissan Motors LLC, has sent three photo’s taken during Nissan Tour trip to Khuvsgul Lake. Each of these photos’ received 5751, 4468, 4709 Likes, repectively, and the photo called “Night force crossing over a mountain river” has been selected as the best photo received from the region.

Below is an interview made with P. Bayar, regarding the photo competition.

First of all, we would like to congratulate you for your photo winning the contest on a regional level! Would you like to give us closer information on the contest?

Thank you. This contest has been organized on the occasion of the 80’s Anniversary of founding Nissan Motor Corporation.
The theme of the contest was "How does Nissan impact people, how will it impact in future? ". 782 employees from Nissan branches, representatives and distributor organizations from 81 countries participated this competition.
I represented Monnis Motors and have sent three photos. This 3-stage on-line competition took place in April, May 2013. During the first stage 20 photos that collected the largest number of LIKE’s were to be selected and passed on to the 2nd stage.
This is why, I have asked all my friends, acquaintances to support the photos sent from Mongolia.
The contestants were divided into four groups, by region:
  1. North, South America
  2. India, Europe, Africa, Middle East
  3. China, Asia, Pacific
  4. Employees of Nissan Motor, Japan
As countries with large population such as China, Thailand and Indonesia were in our group, I truly doubted to collect sufficient number LIKE’s. However, the photos we have sent collected 4-5 thousand LIKE’s and as such they were ranked 4th to 6th.
I doubt we can collect so many LIKE’s from Mongolia, only, I hope that internet users from other countries liked the photos showing Mongolian beautiful nature.
During the 2nd stage, the jury has selected 20 best photos from each region, regardless of the number of LIKE’s obtained, and 5 best of best photos with one winning the prize, at the 3rd stage.
This is how the photo with an extension “Monnis Motors” and the Mongolian banner has become the best.

What can you tell us about the photo itself?:
Compared to photos submitted from other countries, our photos really looked differently, they were breathtaking. Although I have sent 6-7 photos, the organizers included the first 3, only, which were taken during the a travel around Khuvsul lake in 2010. The winning photo was taken by Badamsanbuu, one of travelers at the sunset, when it was almost dark and the cars in straight-line with front lights on were passing river Ider. Indeed, due to beautiful scenery, Monnis photos left photos of pther contestants way behind. And about the Nissan Tour itself? Since 2007 we organize “Nissan Tour" each year, although an idea to hold this event was born in 2000. The tour organization was put into right track and the itinerary was properly selected, from the very beginning. Also, the TV series about the tour was shown by a right channel at the right time. Thanks to this, all the country was familiar with “Nissan Tour” within a few years time. Thanks to this Tour and the TV shows all know Nissan brand cars, as well.

What was the prize for the winning photo?
All costs related to participation at an event organized in connection with Nissan Motor company’s 80th Anniversary, which is due to take place in California, USA in August this year.

Thank you for the interview

See best photos at: