Моnnis Motors backed the “Let’s Smile Together” forum of children with disablilities

Моnnis Motors backed the “Let’s Smile Together” forum of children with disablilities

An annual forum “Let’s Smile Together” co-organized by the National Centre for Children, a non-governmental organization “Auspicious World” and the mothers’ faction called “Let’s Smile Together”, was held on 25 September 2013, at the National Park for Culture and Entertainment.Over 150 disabled children from specialized capital city schools #55, #25, #29 and #63, a kindergarten for disabled children #186, and from Nalaikh District, along with their caretakers have gathered to exchange information, discuss and seek resolution to the challenges they faced in their daily lives.

All the activities included in the program developed by charitable organizations and individuals from the bottom of their hearts, brought joy and true happiness to all the children. Моnnis Motors LLC has made an intellectual investment and doubled children’s joy by giving them a present, a storybook called "Mysterious Teachers Come to School" and by wishing all success in education and prosperity in life.

May all the good deeds flourish and thrive!