Monnis Group: Charity campaign by Brighter Day of Tomorrow NGO

Monnis Group: Charity campaign by Brighter Day of Tomorrow NGO

Monnis Properties LLC along with the NGO “Brighter Day of Tomorrow”, which was set up under the initiative of Monnis Group employees to assist the company in fulfilling its CSR policies in improving child health and education, protection of the natural environment and undertaking other charitable activities, has implemented the first in 2014 charity campaign.Within the framework of this campaign, in close co-operation with the Governor secretariat of Sukhbaatar District, where the company resides and in collaboration with the company responsible for cleaning up and maintenance of streets and green spaces, the LLC has organized among other, the following series of activities to target energetic and optimistic, full of enthusiasm disabled people and single mothers, as well as the workers of the abovementioned maintenance service company:

We have made dwellers of the “National Centre of Care and Development of Senior Citizens” truly happy  

Prior to Lunar Year holidays, we have visited 14 senior people who did not have caretakers and thus lived at the National Centre of Care and Development of Senior Citizens, located at Batsumbur soum of the Central aimag, provided gifts and we have spent one day together to encourage, lift up the mood of these elderly people.

We have organized sales exhibition of arts craft products made by disabled citizens

On 20-22 January 2014 we have organized an exhibition at Monnis building of paintings and CDs’ with flute melodies played by a very active and enthusiastic T. Purevbaatar, who was born disabled and whom, despite the fact that he was 100% incapable of working has had heart to create such a beauty. In addition to his art crafts, we also displayed a variety of products made B. Ariuntuya with felt.

During this event, the painter and flutist T. Purevbaatar has managed to sell his paintings called the “Dawn Light”, “The year of 1990”, “Wild Horse”, and some other paintings and about 100 CD’s worth in total around 2,700,000 tugrugs.

B. Ariuntuya has made a turnover of 260,000 tugrugs, while the centre with which she cooperates, BIT-3 has gained some 1,000,000 tugrugs.

We have expressed gratitude and wished high accomplishments to the workers of the Sukhbaatar District company, responsible for maintenance of the streets and green spaces

We have expressed our gratitude to the workers of this company, who tidy up the city streets all year around despite chilly winter and hot summer days, and provided gifts to at least 50 of these workers. These enthusiastic people that work night and day to clean and tidy up our environment warmly welcomed representatives of our LLC.

We provided support to single mothers, gave warm clothes and toys to their children

We have supported 18 children aged 1-16 from 5 households, 4 single mothers, one citizen who was 100% incapable of working, and one elderly spoon fed person. To help optimistically survive the winter, we have brought coal to heat up the gers, cookies and milk for Lunar New Year celebrations, and warm clothes (shoes, coats, trousers, sweaters, hats and neckwear), toys and vitamins for children. Due to lack of warm clothes, children were not able to attend schools or kindergartens. In addition, we undertook to cooperate closely with the Governor’s secretariat in ensuring further attendance by dropouts, in providing job places for single mothers and disabled citizens.

May good deeds flourish!

“Brighter Day of Tomorrow” NGO
Address: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar District, 1th khoroo, Chinggis Ave.-15, Monnis Tower, 14th Floor
Tel: +(976)-11-311687
Fax: +(976)-11-320271